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Spider-Man Times Square

Top Superhero Locations On & Off The Screen.

From Batman to your friendly neighborhood Spider-man, many of the fan favorite superheroes call the “Big Apple” (or New York) their home. So many great superhero movies to choose from yet so little time, but alas we’re counting down our top superhero filming locations in New York.

In The Marvel Universe-Daily Bugle.

Any true Spider-man fan would recognize this building in an instant…I mean how could you forget his iconic boss J. Jonah Jameson?

Daily Bugle Spider-man

Daily Bugle Spider-man

 The Real Life Location-The Flatiron Building.

Only fitting for one of the most photographed buildings in the world to be the fictional head quarters to the Daily Bugle.

Flatiron building ny

Flatiron Building, New York

In The DC Comic and Cinematic Universe-The Daily Planet.

Home to the newspaper based out of Superman’s hometown Metropolis, also an employer of Superman’s love interest Lois Lane and his alter ego Clark Kent. This location was used in a variety of DC animated Superman and Justice League series, in 1978’s Superman and its sequels, as well as the television series Smallville. 

daily planet superman

Daily Planet In The TV Series “Smallville”

daily planet superman movie

Daily planet Superman movie


The Real Life Location- The Daily News Building & The Paramount Building.

The Signature Globe placed a top the fictional Daily Planet building is inspired by the Paramount Building, the lobby which is seen in the classic Superman films and its sequels is actually The Daily News Building.

paramount building nyc

Paramount Building NYC


Daily Planet Superman

The Daily News Lobby

Times Square in Film.

This location has been featured in many of our favorite films, including, the first Spider-Man film, when the Green Goblin attacks the fictional World Unity Festival which is held in Times Square, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and Spider-Man 3 also features Times Square with Peter Parker walking through it and Mary Jane Watson appearing in a Broadway musical. Times Square also makes an appearance in Captain America: The First Avenger where Steve Rodgers aka Captain America awakens in the future after being frozen for many years, only to escape shield head quarters and run through an overwhelming Times Square. Times Square was also a filming location for the episode titled “Terror in Times Square” in live-action TV series The Incredible Hulk.

The Hulk Times Square

Lou Ferrigno as the Incredible Hulk in the TV Series The Incredible Hulk

Captain America Times Square

Chris Evans as Captain America, in the Film Captain America: The First Avenger

Spider-man Times Square

Spider-Man Fights Electro in Times Square in the Film the Amazing Spider-Man 2

Times Square in Real Life.

One of the most iconic locations in the world, when you think New York, you automatically think Times Square, and rightfully so, Times Square is one of the world’s most visited tourist attractions, with a whopping estimated 50 million visitors annually, with approximately 330,000 people passing through Times Square daily.

Times Square New York

Times Square, New York

Statue Of Liberty in Film.

“Lady Liberty” is quite popular being featured in many popular films such as The Day After Tomorrow, Cloverfield, X Men, Ghostbusters II, and Superman 2.

Statue of Liberty  Superman 3

Statue of Liberty in Superman 3

Statue of Liberty X-Men

Statue of Liberty in the 2002 film X-Men

Statue of Liberty in Real Life.

Just a short ferry ride away, Lady Liberty is one of the most iconic landmarks in the world and is easily associated with the United States of America as a symbol of freedom and democracy.

Statue of Liberty

Statue of Liberty, New York

Wall St in Film.

To quote the film Jerry Maguire “show me the money” and what better of a place for money than Wall St? Featured in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises (2012) in a powerful moment where villain Bane talks about returning Gotham to “the people”, and liberating the city from its “oppressors”.

The Dark Knight Rises Wall St

Tom Hardy as Bane in the Film The Dark Knight Rises

Dark Knight Rises Filming Locations

Behind the scenes of the Filming of The Dark Knight Rises

  Wall St in Real Life.

When you think the money you think Wall St, there aren’t exactly any “Wolves” on Wall St per se, but there definitely is a Bull.

Wall St NYC

Wall St, New York

That is it for our countdown of our favorite superhero filming locations in New York. We hope you enjoyed our list.

Feel free to share your favorite locations with us too (in case we missed some)

If you love Superheroes, don’t miss our new which covers some of your favorite Marvel and DC Characters of NY on & off the screen.