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Can You Believe It’s Been 23 Years Since Friends Debuted?!

You know what they say “There’s nothing like a good old trip down nostalgia lane” (Get ready to feel old millennials). Friends debuted 23 years ago on September 22nd, 1994 and we all instantly fell in love with Phoebe, Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chandler and even the occasional Gunther appearance. The romance lasted 10 years as we battled and overcame the emotional rollercoaster of laughter and tearjerker moments (and quite a relationship it was) but when it was all said and done we realized it truly was the end and we weren’t just “on a break”. Although we couldn’t help but hope they would come back for just one more, we understood that all good things must come to an end. In honor of Friends debuting 23 years ago, we’re counting down some of the best mistakes and bloopers you may have never noticed or seen.

The time the hooker in Monica’s apartment got the best of Chandler and Joey.

Chandler and Joey seemed to always be getting themselves into and out of wacky situations but they couldn’t quite hold it together on this one.

When Ross played the bagpipes, and no one could keep their shit together. (Rachel is still laughing in the take they actually aired!)

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