This drama, directed by Kirsten Sheridan, and released in 2007, delves into the life of an orphaned musical prodigy, Evan Taylor. He escapes his orphanage, embarking on a journey in New York City to search for his family. Along the way, he encounters a homeless man named Wizard Wallace, who tries to profit off of his musical abilities. Through chance encounters and the power of music, the ending is a heartwarming one. The film is filled with a symphony of emotions and really explores the theme of human connection.
Freddie Highmore beautifully plays the role of Evan Taylor/August Rush. His mentor, Wizard Wallace, is acted out by Robin Williams. Terrence Howard assumes the character of Richard Jeffries, the social worker assigned to Evan’s case. Keri Russell was casted as Lyla Novacek, Evan’s mother, while Jonathan Rhys Meyers acts as Louis Connelly, Evan’s father.
The movie was primarily filmed in New York:
- Times Square (Broadway, 7th Avenue, West 42nd and 47th Streets) was used as a pivotal filming location.
- The scene when Evan first arrives in New York City and plays with the city sounds was filmed at Union Square Station, East 14th Street, Manhattan.
- One of the scenes where Evan admires a guitar and street performs was shot at Washington Square Park.
- The scene where Louis was waiting for Lyla, but she never came, was shot at Washington Square Fountain.
- Another scene where Evan performs was filmed at Wollman Rink in Central Park.
- One of the film’s musical performances was shot at The Juilliard School.
- The part where the characters look at the city was filmed at Brooklyn Heights Promenade.
Some interesting facts:
- Robin Williams’ character as Wizard was inspired by rock star, Bono.
- Freddie Highmore learned how to conduct music for his role.
- The plot is based on the book, Oliver Twist, written by Charles Dickens.