The plot of the film is centered around Calvin Joyner (Kevin Hart) who is a former high school superstar and now has a very stereotypical lifestyle as an accountant. Calvin soon gets in touch with an old classmate Bob Stone (Dwayne Johnson). Bob used to be the overweight and bullied kid in high school who is now a muscular CIA agent. As Calvin gets involved in Bob’s life, he encounters many dangerous and adventurous situations.
The movie was primarily filmed in Massachusetts:
- On the Hill Tavern as seen in the film is in Somerville, Massachusetts.
- The school they used to film at in the movie was Lynn English High School, in Lynn, Massachusetts.
- Other cities the movie incorporated were Winchester, Burlington, as well as the Boston Common.
Some interesting facts about the film include that Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart formed their friendship while filming this movie. Dwayne Johnson wore a fanny pack during the entire film, and made multiple references to it throughout the film.