The plot of the film revolves around a group of rich and manipulative Manhattan teenagers, including the step-siblings Sebastian Valmont (Ryan Phillippe) and Kathryn Merteuil (Sarah Michel Gellar). Sebastian and Kathryn partake in seductive and deceitful games. Kathryn tries to get Sebastian to seduce the innocent character Annette Hangrove (Reese Witherspoon) who swears to be a virgin until she finds real love.
The movie was primarily filmed in New York:
- Annette’s apartment was filmed at 225 Central Park W.
- The Rosemont Estate was located at Old Westbury Gardens in Long Island.
- The scene where Kathryn gets her comeuppance at Sebastian’s memorial service was at All Saints Church on Euclid Avenue in Pasadena.
- The interior of Annette’s home was the Essex House located at 160 Central Park S, in Manhattan.
Interesting Facts:
- The movie was originally titled Cruel Inventions, but they thought the audience might mistake the film for a science fiction film.
- In 2000, the movie won the MTV Movie and TV Award for Best Kiss
- Sarah Michelle Gellar won the 200 MTV Movie Award for Best Female Performance and Best Villain.