In the enchanted world of the 2009 romantic dramedy “New York, I Love You”, directed by a talented ensemble of filmmakers, the film seamlessly interweaves a collection of short love stories, where each character is on the search of their own unique love story, despite the complexities of life. One of the stories introduces us to Ben (Hayden Chritensen), a pickpocket who finds himself in an unusual situation when he meets a beautiful girl named Molly (Rachel Bilson), whose picture is in the wallet he stole earlier in the day. Additionally, the film explores the charming stories involving characters like Rifka (Natalie Portman), a Hasidic Jewish woman who kisses an Indian businessman on the eve of her wedding, and a sweet young boy (Anton Yelchin) who takes a girl in a wheelchair to prom. “New York, I Love You” tells various diverse stories of love’s serendipity in the bustling city, serving as a sweet and captivating reminder that love, in all of its forms, thrives in the heart of the city that never sleeps.
- While love takes center stage in “New York, I Love You”, the city of New York plays a crucial role as the charming backdrop of the intricate stories.
- The photo booth, located at Beach Street and West Broadway, Manhattan, is used in a brief scene in the film.
- One scene was shot at Walkers Restaurant, located at 16 Varick Street and North Moore Street, Manhattan.
- The scene including Natalie Portman was filmed in the Diamond Exchange Store, located at West 47th Street and 6th Avenue, Manhattan.
- A brief scene was filmed at the Tavern on the Green (between West 66th and 67th Streets) Manhattan.
- The prom scenes were filmed at the Tavern on the Green (between 66th and 67th street), Manhattan.
Interesting Facts:
- Hayden Christensen met his fiancé on the set of the film, they have one child together, named Briar Rose Christensen.
- The movie has a duration of one hour and forty-three minutes, which interestingly coincides with the numerical representation “143,” commonly used to express “I love you.”
- The film was shot over a short period of thirty-six days due, along with the strict guidelines they were given such as only twenty-four hours to shoot and a week to make edits.
- The film was produced within a brief timeframe of just thirty-six days, adhering to strict guidelines that allowed for twenty-four hours of shooting and a one-week window for editing.