“Remember Me”, released in 2010, is a heartfelt drama that focuses on the interconnected lives of two young individuals who find solace and love in unexpected places. The film primarily revolves around Tyler Hawkins, a troubled young man dealing with the trauma of a family tragedy. Amidst his personal turmoil, he crosses paths with Ally Craig, a strong-willed and compassionate woman who has her own share of heartache.
The cast of “Remember Me” includes Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin as Tyler and Ally. Chris Cooper and Pierce Brosnan also play pivotal roles in the movie, adding depth and complexity to the story.
As the movie was set in New York, many iconic and beautiful locations were used to film:
- Washington Square Park, with its central fountain and tree-lined paths, is a prominent location in the film. It is in this vibrant public space that Tyler and Ally first start connecting as they confide in each other during a late night stroll.
- The bustling streets and lecture halls of NYU provide insight into Ally’s life as a student. Tyler walks her home after class through West Village neighborhoods. Their strolls showcase quintessential New York sights.
- The most memorable location is the Brooklyn Promenade, with its sweeping views looking out across the East River at the Manhattan skyline.
Fun Facts:
- This movie was the first production Robert Pattinson shot in after finishing the “Twilight” series.
- Emilie de Ravin, who portrayed Ally Craig, is known for her role in the popular TV series “Lost,” where she played the character Claire Littleton.