Those looking for an action packed comedy can look no further. Released in 2013 and directed by Paul Feig, this film follows the story of the crime fighting duo, Sarah Ashburn and Shannon Mullins. Both detectives, they are tasked with taking down an infamous drug lord. While Sarah is uptight and methodical, Shannon is brash and relies on her gut feelings. As polar opposites, their hilarious clashes and unexpected camaraderie make this movie thoroughly entertaining.
Sandra Bullock wittingly plays the role of Sarah Ashburn. Her partner in crime, Shannon Mullins, is acted out by Melissa McCarthy. Michael Rapaport assumes the character of Jason Mullins, Shannon’s brother. Lastly, Taran Killam was casted as Special Agent Adam/ Simon Larkin, the drug lord.
The movie was primarily filmed in Boston:
- The scene where Sarah and Shannon were interrogating a suspect was filmed in Boston Common, a public park.
- One of the chase scenes was filmed at Quincy Market, located in the downtown area.
- Scenes were also shot at Boston Harbor.
- Shannon Mullins’ apartment is located at 6 Mercer Street in South Boston.
- A memorable sequence was shot at Logan International Airport.
Some interesting facts:
- This film was the 15th highest grossing one of 2013.
- Many of the comedic moments in the film were improvised.
- Sandra Bullock actually performed some of her own stunts, including the scene where her character’s car crashes through a window.