The Odd Couple is a comedy released in 1968, starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthou. Two divorced men, Felix Ungar (Jack Lemmon) and Oscar Madison (Walter Matthau) decide to become roommates. One is a neat-freak, while the other is an absolute slob. As one can guess, it doesn’t quite work out. Felix spends his time picking up after Oscar and scolding him for being such a mess. He also refuses to have any fun, still distraught about his wife leaving him. He is slowly driving Oscar crazy. Oscar’s numerous attempts to lighten him up are in vein. This includes a double date with two frisky English sisters who live in their building. Instead of enjoying the company of the women, Felix spends the evening talking about Frances, his ex-wife.
Fed up, Oscar eventually kicks his friend out of the apartment, but is then overtaken with guilt, organizing a search group to find Felix and apologize. He finds Felix living with the English sisters. The two men exchange apologies and realize that a bit of each has rubbed off on the other, and they had become better people because of it.
Jack Lemmon, who had his movie debut with It Should Happen To You, has had a long and impressive career spanning the late 40’s through the 90’s. He became a household name thanks to his roles in films like Some Like it Hot, The Odd Couple, The Out of Towners, That’s Life!, JFK, Grumpy Old Men, Getting Away With Murder, 12 Angry Men, and Tuesdays With Morrie.
Oscar Winner Walter Matthau grew up in poverty on New York’s Lower East Side. His works have included The Secret Wife of an American Wife, Hello Dolly!, The Sunshine Boys, The Bad News Bears, Movers and Shakers, JFK, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, Dennis the Menace, and Grumpy Old Men.
Remember that great building that Oscar and Felix lived in? Book a private limo tour to see it up close and personal. This great tour will have you feeling like you’ve stepped into scenes from all your favorite classic New York City films.
* In an effort to stay current, we are constantly updating our tours with new locations and cannot guarantee the presence of locations mentioned on our site. If you have a particular interest in locations from a specific TV show or movie, please let your tour guide know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.