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The first episode of Will and Grace aired on September 21, 1998, that’s almost a decade ago! (Feeling old yet?) The good news is that the cast hasn’t aged a bit!

Top 5 Will and Grace facts:
  1. Minnie Driver will jump networks to guest on an episode NBC’s Will & Grace revival, reports TV Line. Driver, who stars on ABC’s Speechless, will reprise her role as Karen’s nemesis, Lorraine Finster (Read more below.)
  2. Megan Mullally’s natural voice is actually quite lower than Karen Walker’s high pitched squeals. In the 1998 pilot episode, Mullally starts with her normal voice, but as the episodes progress, she goes full-on shriek.
  3. Will & Grace was based on one of the creator’s childhood friends.
  4. The show’s title comes from a Jewish philosophy book.
  5. Megan Mullally chose to play Karen over playing Carrie on The King of Queens.
Don’t miss the opportunity to check out locations from Will and Grace plus many more TV & Movie filming locations on our NYC TV & Movie Sites Tour.