May 6th, 2014 marks the 10th Anniversary of the Friends finale. OLT staffers have put together a list of our top 10 favorite Friends moments! Be sure to share your favorite episodes and moments with us in the comments below.
1. Phoebe singing/performing “Smelly Cat”
2. Ross playing the keyboard and performing “the sound” in Central Perk
3. Monica dancing for Chandler with a Thanksgiving turkey on her head
4. The quiz that made Monica and Rachel lose their apartment to Chandler and Joey
5. Phoebe trying to seduce Chandler to get him and Monica to confess they’re dating
6. Ross and Monica performing “the routine” at Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve
7. Monica getting stung by a jellyfish and Joey peeing on her
8. Ross losing it at work because someone ate his leftover Thanksgiving sandwich
9. Joey getting tricked into proving he can fit into the entertainment center that he and Chandler are trying to sell (then being robbed)
10. Ross trying to teach Rachel and Phoebe about Unagi

Pop Quiz: name this “Friends” location featured on the New York TV & Movie Sites Tour!