The Wolf Of Wall Street is based on a true story about Jordan Belfort’s life. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) starts a job on Wall Street in New York City as a stockbroker for L.F. Rotschild, employed under Mark Hanna (Matthew McConaughey) in 1987. Jordan learns quickly that the life and culture of a stockbroker is full of debauchery. Since much of the film takes place in New York, many sites from the film can be seen on the NYC TV & Movie Tour.
After he gets fired after Black Monday, he takes a job at a boiler room brokerage firm on Long Island, New York that specializes in penny stocks, and due to his aggressive pitching style he earns a lot of money. Together with his neighbor Donnie Azoff (Jonah Hill) he starts his own company named Stratton Oakmont. They hire some friends, whom Jordan trains how to make a “hard sell.” When Jordan has an article about the company in the Forbes, hundreds of young and ambitious financiers want to work for the company. The company becomes highly successful and his life transforms into a decadent lifestyle, where money is no issue, and Jordan starts an affair with Naomi Lapaglia (Margot Robbie).
Some of the filming locations in New York City include:
- Jordan Belfort’s first job as a stockbroker is in the Financial District of New York. The Equitable Building is located at 120 Broadway in Manhattan.
- Jordan goes to lunch with Mark Hanna at the top of the Sixes Restaurant, on 5th Avenue and 52nd Street
- The diner in the movie where Jordan and Donnie make plans to start Stratton Oakmont is called “Kacandes Diner,” but in real life it’s called Shalimar Diner. The diner is located at 6368 Austin Street at 63rd Drive in Queens.
- Jordan is caught by his wife with his mistress Naomi in a limo in front of Trump Tower, on East 56th Street and 5th Avenue
- After Jordan divorces his first wife he proposes to Naomi. He proposes to her in the Pool room of the old Four Seasons restaurant located at 99 East 52nd Street between Madison and Park Avenue.
- When the FBI visits Jordan on his yacht, called Naomi, it is docked at North Cove Marina, 385 South End Avenue near the World Financial Center.
* In an effort to stay current, we are constantly updating our tours with new locations and cannot guarantee the presence of locations mentioned on our site. If you have a particular interest in locations from a specific TV show or movie, please let your tour guide know and we will do our best to accommodate your request.